Nuraphone – the successful product of personalised sound engineering and ingenuity

Founded by engineer Dr Dragan Petrovic and otologist Dr Luke Campbell, Nura is a consumer electronics company that struck the sound technology market with their debut headphone — Nuraphone. Continue reading “Nuraphone – the successful product of personalised sound engineering and ingenuity”

Former drill instructor, John Burk, tears the triggered bullies a new one for slamming Sarah Michelle Gellar’s recent lingerie-clad Instagram pic

John Burk, a former drill sergeant, controversial for his “tough love” approach to fitness motivation, posted his hilarious response on his Youtube channel, to the “diet culture” outrage surrounding actress, Sarah Michelle Gellar’s recent Instagram post that apparently offended some members of the online community.

Continue reading “Former drill instructor, John Burk, tears the triggered bullies a new one for slamming Sarah Michelle Gellar’s recent lingerie-clad Instagram pic”

Modern Politics: The Tragic Destruction of Civility and Humility

Today’s political climate is visibly in disarray – every side of the political spectrum is poisoned with the “I’m, right, you’re wrong,” mentality, and it has detrimentally affected the way in which we behave and interact with one another to the point where it seems like we’ve forgotten how to be civil, respectful and humble to each other.

Continue reading “Modern Politics: The Tragic Destruction of Civility and Humility”

How We Can Become More Open-Minded and Self-Aware Through Rational Thinking and Emotional Resilience

Rationality and emotional resilience are experiences of the human consciousness that can be developed and strengthened in very much the same way an individual trains to develop any skill. This can include anything, from learning to play the piano, or even chess. The human brain is a complex network of roughly one hundred billion neurons; human emotions are based on different neural connections caused by individual experiences. Continue reading “How We Can Become More Open-Minded and Self-Aware Through Rational Thinking and Emotional Resilience”

The Pre-Selfie Age of Gaming — The Struggle Was Real

Stuck on a quest? Don’t know where to go? Don’t know how to beat a boss? Well it’s a good thing we have Google as our best friend. All you have to do is hit pause, jump on the internet, and boom! Boss defeated, 100xp, 200gil and some potion straight in your inventory. Nothing makes me feel quite as hopeless as having to jump on the internet for answers whenever I’m stuck in a videogame, especially, considering how modern games literally spoon feed you information every step of the way. Continue reading “The Pre-Selfie Age of Gaming — The Struggle Was Real”